Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sign-up Meeting March Madness

Thanks again to everyone who helped out at this year's Fair Share Farm CSA Sign-up Meeting. That includes all you members who came to the meeting and made it such a success. As we've grown from 25 members to 105, added more vendors, and relied almost entirely on the Core Group to manage the signup, it has become more fun each year.

Here are a few photos of the day, as well as a picture of sunrise on the farm the first day of Spring. As our house faces due south, we know it is Spring when the sun rises directly east of the facade. While we have global warming to deal with, hopefully humans can't change when and where the sun rises.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love that you know it is spring based on where the sun rises. I am far less in tune with the world.

Hooray for Spring! But who turned the clock back for this weekend? Let us know how the farm fares with the forecast.