Tuesday, May 3, 2016

In the Share: Week 3 extended

BUTTERHEAD LETTUCE  The first heads from the many 100s in the fields.

LETTUCE MIX  The last of the high tunnel crop, cut for salad mix


SPINACH the last leaves from the high tunnel crop




GREEN GARLIC  Young garlic plants from the field.

HERB MIX  Cilantro and dill

NEXT WEEK:  lettuce, green onions, spinach, kale, and herbs.

We had a nice stretch of days perfect for those rainy-day jobs that are put off when the fields are good for planting.  A big priority this year has been reinforcing the deer fence.  Much time has been spent replacing some of the fencing material, adding posts and installing new gates.

Overall the fence has held up considerably well since the membership helped us encircle the fields back in 2005.  In 2008 our beloved farm dog, Rocky, joined the team and we had to worry less about openings in the fence.  He even made some himself!  So when we lost Rocky last summer we contemplated getting a new pup to keep up the task of keeping wildlife out of the fields.  Instead we chose to take a season and see if we couldn't make it on our own.  It is a challenge, for sure, and we are trying to be extra vigilant about closing gates and keeping an eye out for signs.

The fields are growing in well thanks to a good amount of rain and sunshine.  We are one week away from the start of the 24-week season and 70 more families to feed.  Here we go!

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