STRAWBERRIES (F/P) About half a pint for everyone to begin the hopefully month-long harvest.
LETTUCE (F/P) Two for the full shares, one for the partials
ASPARAGUS (F) Just a few more weeks worth of the tender shoots before we let them make their ferns for the summer. Partial shares will get them next week.
RED RUSSIAN KALE (F/P) The only kale we grow in the springtime – hearty and so healthy. Full shares get both greens, partials get a choice of the two
VITAMIN GREEN (F/P) In the ‘Asian green’ category. Great fresh or stir fried. Check out Tom’s blog for our new favorite super-simple greens recipe.
GREEN GARLIC or RADISHES (F/P) The radishes that survived the sogginess are less than perfect, a bit pithy and spicy, but still very edible. This will be the last of the green garlic.
HERB CHOICE (F/P) Cilantro or dill or a dried herb
Also this week: Bread of Life delivery
Next week: More luscious strawberries, lettuces. A new planting of radishes should be ready as well as arugula and perhaps finally Hakurei turnips. The peas should debut as should the garlic scapes.
Weather: The rain today was just what the crops needed. It was of a gentle, soaking variety that we seldom see in our parts. Now with a little sunshine the crops should start reaching for the sky.
The Fields: We are feeling pretty good about how the fields are at this point. All the tomatoes are mulched and have either their cages or the first string of their trellising. Over the years we’ve built up our capacity to mechanically cultivate (i.e. weed with the tractors) to the point where now we usually only need to weed right around the plants. Last week the membership helped with just such a task and cleaned up 1200 feet of the onions. A few more beds of onions, beets and carrots are still to be done before all the crops are tidy for the summer.
Links: This week we have a featured writer, Lori Watley, one of our two 2009 farm apprentices. Lori has been living and working on the farm since mid-April. She is always game for whatever farm task is at hand with a quick wit that keeps us smiling. Here she is in her own words:
I am a foodie and average human being who wants to help educate my community on living healthfully and conscientiously. Since this includes knowing where your food comes from, I figured it would be pretty neat-o to work on a local farm and see first hand just what is entailed in the growing of sustainable and organic food.

In addition to working at the farm this season, I will be instructing four classes on home canning and preserving as part the Urban Homesteading series offered by Bad Seed Farm. ( The class is a hands-on introduction to home canning for folks who have an interest in learning and keeping alive the practical and artful way of food preservation.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you (yes you!!) as I enjoy my time at the farm this summer. (it’s the low down, BTW, that I am always up for a game of Yahtzee or Scrabble. Or Pictionary. Or…games! Yes, I do indeed like a good game. ahem.) Oh, and if you happen to see a white and orange cat slinking about, feel free to say hello to my fellow companion and partner in crime, a one Mr. Romeo T-Bone.
Here’s to a great season!
Lori Watley
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