SPRING CARROTS (F/P) The first of the season, young and tender.
STRAWBERRIES (F/P) 1 quart for everyone
TATSOI (F) Makes a darn good stir fry with some of those peas, radishes or turnips.
PEAS (F/P) Remember, you can eat the pod. Check Tom ‘s blog out for a tangy spring pea salad recipe.
LETTUCE (F/P) 2 heads for the full shares and a choice with chard for the partials.
SWISS CHARD (F/P) My favorite cooking green. Tart and earthy.
RADISHES OR HAKUREI TURNIPS (P) Love those Hakurei’s – no need to cook them, just 'eat em like an apple' as Bad Seed Farm says.
BROCCOLI OR SUMMER SQUASH (F) The first real offerings from the struggling broccoli patch. The first of the sunny summer squash planting.
HERB CHOICE (F/P) Oregano or parsley or a dried herb.
Also this week: Bread of Life bakery delivery
Next week: More peas, lettuces, broccoli and summer squash. Beets perhaps and kohlrabi.

Girl Scouts in the Pea Patch 6/3
Weather: We sure felt lucky to miss the hail and tornadoes to our north. Today’s .7 inches of rain fell gently and did not pool. While we always wish for more dry-weather days for getting the fieldwork done, the rain has been very pleasant. We were a bit caught off guard by a 30% chance in the forecast that ended up as an all-day affair. The cool mornings and evenings keep suprising us too. Where did I put my warm hat???
The Fields: During the rain we prepared the upper barn for the onion and garlic curing that will begin in a few weeks time. The old tobacco barn is a perfect setup for allium curing. Once cleared of a season’s worth of detritus. We found a brown recluse, collected items for Stacey’s yard sale, vacuumed up the winter dust and debris, and organized the various piles of salvaged lumber, old windows and doors. We left the back corner that is piled high with assorted farm junk. That will have to wait until the next rainy day. When it hasn't been thundering and lightning overhead, we lay out irrigation tape, weed and mulch. The newly sprouted okra was thinned to a foot between plants.
Links: This past Sunday afternoon, the FSF CSA Core Group met under a shade tree surrounded by lush green fields of Clay County. We mulled over the mid season survey, reviewed the Spring Signup, had a crop report from the farmers and discussed fundraising projects for this season. As always, Tom and I enjoyed meeting with a group of such dedicated and creative folks. We appreciate their work to organize the community around which our community farm depends. Look for notices regarding surveys, fundraising for the Veggie Voucher program, and the Harvest dinner in the future. If you haven't already done so, mark Oct 24th on your calendar for the best potluck in town.
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