Tuesday, August 6, 2013

In the Share - Week 12

SWEET PEPPERS (F) We are beginning to dole out ripe peppers now.  If you don't get one this week, they'll be some next week.  In the meantime our sweet yellows and purples keep coming.

TOMATOES (F/P) Expect some cracking on the heirlooms this week. The rain has been appreciated, but their thin skins can’t handle the pressure.

POTATOES (F/P) Small guys but tasty steamed with a little butter and salt.

RED ONIONS (F/P) we grow three types of red onions, but all are sweet for salads.

CARROTS OR CUCUMBERS (F)  The cooler is full of carrots now, so expect them in the shares for awhile.

EGGPLANT (F) See Tom's post for the tasty treats we had a the Core Group meeting on Sunday.

CHERRY TOMATOES (F/P) These also feature in the dish.  We hope to give everyone a pint or more for awhile now.

CUCUMBERS OR BEETS (P) Last of the beets until fall.

HERB CHOICE (F) Basil, summer savory, thyme or hot peppers


NEXT WEEK:  More tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, salsa packs, carrots and garlic.  Possibly the first melons.


Radishes sprouts

The cool temperatures and moisture have made for good germination of our fall crops.  Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes and arugula are up and growing.  Now the time comes for thinning them so that they have enough room to grow.  One beet bed down so far - with many more to go!!

Last Thursday, Tom, Luke and I attended the first annual Organic Field Day at the University of Missouri’s Bradford Research Farm. In 2012 a few plots for organic farming research were initiated at Bradford and we've been curious to see their progress.  The research plots were well-tended and there were several trials going.  They are looking at trap cropping in cucurbits and inter-planting of cover crops, among others.  The farm tour was pleasant atop their mobile shaded bleachers.  We also learned about attracting native pollinators, had our soil's carbon analyzed and got to see a bit of the institution's massive collection of farming equipment.  

Steven Kirk from Lincoln University Extension and 
Bradford Farm Superintendent, Tim Reinbott. 

At 6:00 pm Saturday evening the farm's apprentices, Lorne and Lauren, will be wed.  They leave tomorrow for the big day up in Detroit, Michigan.  They'll return in a week's time, forgoing their honeymoon until the end of the harvest season.  We wish them a lifetime of happiness with many garlic escapes!

Lauren and Lorne in the basil patch

1 comment:

PreemptiveKiss said...

Garlic escapes...ha. Congrats to the soon to be newlyweds.