If you are a new member and missed the meeting, you need to attend the alternate signup meeting this Saturady at the farm at 2:00pm.
Contract signing
Meanwhile, farming continues. The broccoli continue to gain leaves, the garlic is pushing through the straw mulch that protected it all winter, and the earthworms are mating. We have planted onion sets, peas and spinach in the field and start the peppers and eggplant in the greenhouse today.
Broccoli starts
This time of year we also find time to do our own Spring yard work. We have a home garden that is more protected than the fields where we start early lettuce and greens, so that we have some food for our interns and volunteers before the season is in full swing.
On that note too, if you planted the walking onions we handed out a few years ago, take a look at them now, as here at the farm they are perfect for pulling. If you want to keep a supply for next year simply pull a bunch/cluster, take the onions you want to eat, and replant a couple. You can trip the roots and tops before planting to help the plant out. They can last a lifetime, as these were from a garden in central MO that was originally planted in the 1940's.
Lettuce planting
Home garden
Yummy walking onions
And yes, we still have bees. After buying 7 hives in the past 2 years, we still have 2 (maybe 3) viable hives going. We will see how they do this year. If available, we plan on buying some locally bred bees from Les Miller this year to fill in some.
Springtime for the bees
1 comment:
I wonder what those earthworms are up to?
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