Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In the Share - Week 6

earliest yellow onions ever!

LETTUCE (F) The lettuce patch is getting smaller by the day. What remains are the crisphead varieties that can handle the summer heat more than most.

BEETS (F/P) The first pulling of the beets will commence tomorrow morning. They are still young and tender and the greens are great!  Sautee the roots and greens together in a pan and you've got a glorious dish!  Can you tell that beets are my favorite vegetable?

CABBAGE (F/P) We grow small varieties that mature quickly for the spring.  Just the right amount for a big bowl of cole slaw.

SUMMER SQUASH (F/P) The squash harvest is beginning to get weighty. Look to Tom’s post for some easy recipes to enjoy the bounty.

BROCCOLI OR PEAS (F) The last picking of both of these spring vegetables. We’ll have broccoli again in the fall when it really thrives in the cool weather.  The peas are a spring-only crop so enjoy this offering.

PLUM PURPLE RADISHES (F) The last planting of radishes is here for this week only. Partial shares get a choice of radishes or herbs.

YELLOW ONIONS (F/P) We are really psyched about our big yellow onions. We planted them last summer, mulched them over the winter and here they are – a good 2 months before we would have anything of this size and maturity. Keep these on your counter, it is too moist for them in the fridge.

HERB CHOICE (F/P) Parsley, mint, summer savory or basil

ALSO THIS WEEK: Parker Farms CSA shares

NEXT WEEK: More summer squash. Walla Walla onions and carrots. Swiss chard and kale.


Every plant and beast on the farm sighed with relief as the rain fell Sunday night.  The slow steady rain seeped in the ground, filled in the cracks and washed us clean.  About an inch fell and we needed every drop.  We continue to irrigate and mulch and the crops seems to be thriving so far.  The moist soil allowed us to begin renovating the strawberry patch.  With all the berries picked, there's nothing left to do but mow it all down.

farm apprentice, Ryan, mowing the strawberry patch

Mowing the plants removes any diseased leaves and opens up the crowns to the sanitizing rays of sunshine.  We'll give them a good helping of organic fertilizer, till the paths and then let the plants grow back.  By fall the patch will be full of healthy leaves and tidy rows ready to produce next year's crop.  

With the upcoming arrival of summer (June 20), harvest begins to play a bigger role in our daily routine.  We are currently picking the summer squash twice per week.  The plants are healthy and the harvest weighty.  Soon we will add tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers on to the routine.  

summer squash ripe for picking

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