Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What to Do With Your Share---Week 8

Heading into July, and it looks like early June out there in the fields. It has been a one step forward and two steps back type of year, and has become quite draining. But, living in the free world leaves us with nothing to really complain about. As the song says:

The clouds and storm will in time pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear
So it is time to eat, and we are continuing with what we have the best of right now---potatoes. Once again this week I refer to our CSA Facebook group page for suggestions. Merri Dillinger recommends Green Beans, New Potatoes With Bacon from Food.com. Or check out his old blog post for roasted potatoes.
Our newsletters from 2003-2007 also have some nice recipes for the items in the shares and perhaps your fridge. Mashed Hakurei Turnips and Potatoes is a familiar dish with a little twist. Glazed Carrots, Onions and Beets also takes advantage of recent shares.
You may notice that these links are from our old website's newsletter archive. If you would like to use the archive, or our old Recipe page, just go to www.fairsharefarm.com/archive and you will have access to all of our old information.
Summertime is on the way

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